Full Description
The hospital became functional in May 2001 and has completed about 9 years of providing excellent professional medical service to the needy cancer patients.
As already mentioned earlier, it is the only comprehensive cancer hospital in the state of Uttar Pradesh established under the Private Sector, having most
modern High-Tech diagnostic facilities like MRI, CT Scan, Endoscopy, Conventional X-Ray, ECG, Pathology Lab., Radiotherapy, Brachytherapy facility,
Onco-Surgery and Chemotherapy facilities under one roof. Treatment Facilities: The hospital provides facilities for Radiotherapy, Brachytherapy,
Onco-Surgery and Chemotherapy, including Day-Care, Palliative facilities and pain clinics. It has General and Special Wards having a capacity of sixty
seven beds, for the in-door patients. Radiotherapy is provided by the latest Elite-80 Teletherapy Machine, which is the latest in the market and the first
such machine installed under the Private Sector in India. The patient planning is being done by the latest Computer assisted methods, like Virtual CT
Simulation which is being used for the first time in this part of the country and 3D Plannng System, used is also latest of its kind, so that proper
Radiation dose can be given to the site of the cancer, and minimum damage occurs to the normal tissues. The Hospital is using all the latest patient
immobilizing devices for the treatment of the patients. The Onco-Surgery Wing of the hospital has two fully equipped Operation Theaters, where surgery
is done by highly experienced and qualified Onco-Surgeons, supported by skilled and experienced para-medical and nursing staff. In cancer management,
Chemotherapy plays an additional and very important role, and the hospital provides this facility with adequate medical staff and the latest
Chemotheaputic drugs are administered by the qualified and experienced Oncologists
Lucknow Cancer Institute ,
Street Address
1, Manas Nagar, Jiamau, Kali DAS Mg, Hazratganj, Lucknow - 226001